Monday, 1 January 2024



Tonight's Northern Lights Cruise is on schedule at 9PM this evening, from Reykjavík! Make sure to dress according to weather and feel free to borrow one of our comfortable thermal overalls if need.

Tonight's Forecast

Tonight we are expecting an aurora activity of 4/9, E 5 m/s and 3°C. Waning Gibbous and 89% illuminated. Partly clouded skies are forecasted in the area.

Aurora activity: 4/9
Weather conditions: E 5 m/s and 3°C
Cloud Cover:  Partly clouded skies
Moon status: Waning Gibbous and 74% illuminated


Report from Eldey and Hafsula: This evening we sailed out quite hopeful as the sky looked to be fairly clear and it was forecast to be a kp index of 3. This is quite a good forecast so now it was just a matter of what the night had in store for us. We could see lots of stars as we sailed out and already with the camera could see some green. At the beginning of the tour we could only see it with the camera but then it grew stronger and we could see it with our eyes as well. This night our patience was really tested but also rewarded! The clouds did come in a little more but there was always gap through which we could see the beautiful green light of the Aurora Borealis! There was a tiny bit of movement in the lights as well! Both the lights and clouds really kept us on our toes. It was a magical way to start the year showing us we never really know what we're going to get but its always worth the risk.

Happy New Year! 

- Miquel Pons and Anna Richter aka The Northern Light Queens



What are the northern lights? The bright dancing lights of the aurora are actually collisions between electrically charged particles from the sun that enter earth's atmosphere. The temperature above the sun surface is millions of degrees Celsius. At this temperature, collisions between gas molecules are frequent and explosive particles enter the earth's atmosphere.