Thursday, 24 July 2008

Tour 17:00

A very nice tour out at sea: the wind calmed down a lot during this late afternoon tour. We saw a lot of flock of feeding seabirds and in particular we ended up in an area with more than 1000 birds. There were a ot of gannets dropping down into the sea, it was extremly spectacular. Kittiwakes and lesser black backed gulls were making a lot of noise and gathering in large flocks. It was out there that we had our main sightings with at least 10 minke whales. They surfaced some really less than 5 meters far from our boat, some were really large individuals.


Tour 13:00

The sea was still choppy during our early afternoon tour but we had a very good chance to observe some feeding minke whales in association with birds. in fact, we found a place, not that farf rom the coast where a lot of birds gathered to feed. it was there that we had a almost spy hopping minke whales, just 100 m in front of our boat, we had 3 minke whales srufacing almost together underneath a flock of birds, and a lot of feeding gannets around us. We even had  agourp of 5 white-beaked dolphins travelling not far from us for quite a long time.


Tour 9:00

It is cloudy and the sea is rough, but no one is seasick!:) At the beginning of our tour we observe the Puffin island. Out on the sea there are many Puffins as well and lots of feeding birds in flocks. Its allways nice to watch them, how they feed and listen to their sounds. Very often we spot a whale there, where the birds are, like this morning. Minke whales show up, they are very fast traveling, but we can see them. Maybe five of them. For a short moment a group of White beaked dolphins show up as well but they disappear again. On the way back we sail against the wind and its quite exiting, but a nice tour and all the wet people are smiling:)